A written Naperville police report indicated officers were called about 8:18 p.m. on Wednesday to Miller's home on the 800 block of Beaumont Drive, in the Brittany Springs apartment complex. The 43-year-old Miller was apparently "fed up with dog faeces" being left on the grounds of the complex. And so she allegedly "decided to wipe the dog faeces which she stepped in on the porch of a dog owner."

Miller then allegedly "threw dog faeces at the sliding patio screen" of that apartment. Miller "then located a sign — stating to residents to pick up dog waste — that was posted in the complex, uprooted it and placed it on the dog owner's patio." She then allegedly strung several small, green plastic bags filled with dog faeces "on various places on the patio." When police arrived at the scene, they found Miller running in the complex grounds.
She allegedly "yelled back that she was running to catch a cat, and not running from the police." She also "yelled back asking if we were there about the (woman) with dog poop." Miller was arrested "after she captured her roommate's cat." She was charged with disorderly conduct, a misdemeanor.
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