"She bit me, clawed me and was on top of me just biting me," Brashear described. "She's a biter." Lee County deputies say it all began when Minneker dropped of her two shitzus at the clinic to be groomed. Brashear says she came in late and that it was already close to closing time. "It takes an hour and 15 minutes per dog, so she knew we weren't going to be done until 6," she said. She also explained that dogs' fur was matted, so it took a little longer. And Brashear says Minneker, who showed up early, was not happy they weren't finished.

"We hear this bang, bang, bang on the door and I'm like, ‘Oh god,'" she said. Deputies say Minneker began screaming, ‘Where are my dogs?' That's when they say she attacked the groomer. Brashear said she got in the way to stop the attack. "I ran down the hall, opened my arms up and got between them," she said. She says Minneker pushed her to the ground, cracking her tail bone and biting her everywhere.
"A chunk is gone off my finger and a chunk off my toe - a chunk here," she said. Deputies rushed to the scene and arrested Minneker. Brashear is on seven different medications to stop the infection from human bites. Even though she runs a veterinarian clinic, she says she never expected to be bitten this bad - at least not by a customer. "No, never a human - this is a first," she said. Brashear added that the clinic has had problems with Minneker in the past, but nothing like this.
With news video.
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