There is a lot of consumer demand for second-hand clothing, often imported from Europe, as it is cheaper than locally produced items. It is the same in many African countries. "Ghana is a third world country; we've been doing this all along, so why are they talking about a ban now?" Millicent, a trader in Kantamanto Market in central Accra, said. "The authorities should think again because our livelihoods are at stake."

Cynthia, another market trader, defended the business. "Second-hand underwear and other clothes we sell here at Kantamanto Market are better quality than new undies in the stores," she said. She admitted that some of the imported underwear was stained but said customers rummage through the piles and inspect goods before buying. "No matter how poor the person is, they will not chose stained ones and we throw them away," she said. One trader insisted that all the goods she sold had been disinfected.
Second-hand clothing is often referred to as "obroni wewu", which literally translates as "white man's deads". Some customers also seemed dismayed by the news of the forthcoming ban, he says. "I've been wearing 'obroni wewu' all my life from infancy - all the clothes you see on me today from up to down are 'obroni wewu' - and I never fell sick because of used clothes," says Doris, a shopper at Kantamanto Market. The Ghana Standards Board has re-iterated that it is not all used clothes that are banned.
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