"The male said he was drunk, and said he needed a place to stay so he wouldn't get in trouble, or get arrested, and she, out of kindness let him in the house and let him come in and lay in her bed and sleep," said Officer Curtis Black, Hutchinson Police Department. Officer Black said the woman was in the living room when the man woke up. She told Police he entered the room, naked from the waist down. "He tackled her onto the couch and they continued to fight. He had her on the ground. She said she was pinned down. Several times, she was punching, doing what she could. He was also punching her and attacking her at the same time. He bit her, and she bit him several times too," said Officer Black.

Several minutes later, Funderburk had the woman pinned on the kitchen floor, next to the stove. "The oven door, she pulled it open, and grabbed a 6" pot, and was able to strike him several times in the head," said Officer Blank. In case the pot was not enough, "She grabbed an ax, or a hatchet type instrument, looked like an ax and a hammer. She was going to strike him with it, but when she realized he was getting sick and wasn't doing anything, she was able to get out the back door, and run to the neighbours house at that time," said Officer Black.
The neighbour, who wanted to remain anonymous, said the woman is still scared and hurt. "It's fight or flight. You either lay down and die, or you give it all you got. She's very lucky," said the neighbour. Funderburk was not lucky. He now has staples in his scalp, and was arrested for suspicion of attempted rape, aggravated battery, criminal restraint, and criminal damage to property. Funderburk is jailed on $55,200 bond. He was wearing a neck brace when he made his first appearance on Tuesday in court.
With news video.
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