The teacher, from Gleed Girls' Technology College, Spalding, Lincolnshire, misspells 'attendance' twice, opting instead for 'attandence' and 'attenance' while other errors include 'requriements', 'occaisions' and 'boardering'. The mother of the student, neither of whom wished to be named, said she was appalled by the email. She said: ‘What concerns me most is that this teacher is supposed to be responsible for raising my daughter's educational standards.

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‘If her standards are that low, how can she expect my daughter's to be high?’ Liz Shawhulme, head of the school, said there was ‘no excuse’ for the errors in the emailed report. Liz Shawhulme, headteacher at the 800-pupil Gleed Girls’ Technology College, admitted there were ”no excuses” for the spelling errors.
She said: ”As a responsible school we do encourage staff to contact parents either by phone, letter or email. I am, however, shocked by the number of mistakes, many of which appear to be typos, in this communication. It was obviously written in haste and not checked but this is no excuse and I will be contacting the parent to apologise personally.’
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