Saturday, December 11, 2010

Woman finds squirrel in toilet

Lurking in the leaves could be a nutty little intruder. The owner of an Edmond, Oklahoma home discovered a squirrel swimming in the toilet. It was one of the most bizarre requests for help these 911 dispatchers have ever heard.

DISPATCHER: What's going on there ma'am?
CALLER: I have some kind of animal in the toilet in my bathroom.
DISPATCHER: Like, what's it look like?
CALLER: Well, it's gray. That's all I can tell you. I didn't look real good because it scared me to death. I'm sorry.
DISPATCHER: But it's not like one of your animals like a cat or something?
CALLER: No. My cat is in my office behaving herself.
DISPATCHER: Okay ma'am. Well, I will get a police officer over there to see if they can help you figure out what's going on for you okay?
CALLER: Okay. Thank you. I appreciate it.

Officer Derek Kennedy was the first to respond. "As soon as I saw the squirrel I knew I needed back up immediately," Kennedy joked. Cell phone camera rolling, Kennedy and his partner would spend the next several minutes trying to corral this intimidating creature.

"We wrangled up some snake tongs, a dog kennel. After a five minute chase, and him chasing us, we caught him," Kennedy said. The Edmond cops then released him in the park across the street. It's a mystery how the squirrel got inside in the first place. Police speculate it may have crawled through the sewer drain.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who would have thought? Snake tongs on a squirrel? And that such creature would climb through the drains. I have seen a snake crawl up them before, but never a squirrel.