Two Coastguard helicopters were scrambled in the early hours of the morning, before the man, who is understood to suffer from dementia, was traced at 5am. The man was originally reported missing to Tayside Police at 11.40pm after his wife became concerned and contacted her son who raised the alarm.

After hours of searching, the pensioner was eventually found safe and well in the flat next door to his own home, where he appears to have let himself in. The rescue operation was launched because a man fitting his description had been spotted in the harbour area that night.
The coastguard received a call from the police and a helicopter from Carnoustie and one from Arbroath went out around 1am. The helicopters searched the cliffs area for about two hours before the man was traced.
"A full-scale search and rescue operation was launched in Arbroath"
Well that's something to do with Arbroath.
Someone beat me to it!
PS Love your blog BUT... having multiple YT embedded players in the blog causes serious memory issues that require a system reboot. Personally I like the blog but avoid visiting due to this...
In Arbroath, you might accidentally get killed. So no amount of caution is too much.
Heh heh, Andiscandis! :)
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