The animal was caught on Boxing Day by vet Keith Talbot who had laid a trap with food, while he spent Christmas at his parents' home in Maidstone, Kent. The fox's capture raises fears such creatures are getting larger and bolder, as they have easy access to discarded food from suburban homes.
Mr Talbot spoke about the suspected attack by the fox on their cat. He said: "The cat was on the doormat when they (his parents) went to bed and heard some commotion. They saw a fox going up the drive later on that night, but didn't think anything of it.
YouTube link.
"Later that morning, they came out and there was fur and bits of the cat everywhere." The vet ended up catching two foxes after setting the trap. Both animals were humanely destroyed.
Great, so instead of putting this rare animal in a sanctuary it gets killed.
I say leave animals in peace with one exception: rogue animals should be dealt with accordingly. If coyotes, foxes, mountain lions, or those damned re-introduced wolves get too close to livestock or domestic animals, kill them. Or else you can view the dead bodies of Kitty, Lassie, or your chickens/cattle/sheep/daughter-the-jogger.
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