Saturday, January 08, 2011

Cat thinks its a dog

YouTube link.


Insolitus said...


WordyGrrl said...

Quite a few cats will spontaneously learn to "fetch" like this, but this video is an excellent example.

My cranky old (19) granny cat used to be a champion fetcher of paperwads, film canister lids, you name it when she was a kitten.

Just find the toy they like best, and with luck, they'll figure out "the game."

arbroath said...

You have a 19-year-old cat WordyGrrl!

I'm not surprised she's cranky. That's quite old for a cat, isn't it?

WordyGrrl said...

I'm really lucky to have her around, true. And she only got cranky in the last couple of years. She no longer says "meow" but "NOW!" and expects me to know what she means by that. But she's very much a lapcat still.

arbroath said...

Aaawwww! :)