Marcie Moriarty, a spokeswoman from the British Columbia animal protection society, said: 'It's a bizarre and very upsetting case. Inside the block of ice, which looks to have been made from a large rubber bin, was the frozen corpse of a medium-sized black dog.'

Miss Moriaty said that initial investigations suggested the animal was dead before it was placed in the ice. 'That's the only salvation,' she said. 'It had puncture wounds consistent with being in a dog fight.
'I thought I'd seen everything but when I opened the file I was blown away. It's so disturbing. Anyone who would do something so sick, I'm concerned if they have other animals in their custody.' The Dawnson Creek houseowner discovered the dead animal on January 15. He does not have any pets and is completely baffled why the dog was left on his lawn.
Dawson Creek, BC.
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