Thursday, January 13, 2011

Hillary Clinton has mishap boarding plane

The US Secretary of State was boarding a plane to head to Oman when she tripped over a step and ended up on the floor.

YouTube link.

Mrs Clinton was visiting Yemen, with the declared aim of helping the country cope with a growing al-Qaeda threat through political, social and economic reforms, was unhurt and was quickly helped to her feet to continue her journey.


Insolitus said...

There is freedom of the press - but this time it has gone too far. Spreading this footage is offensive towards female politicians and in my opinion is against human dignity.

Mark said...

Insolitus, in what way is it offensive towards female politicians? If it had been Obama or Bush, I'm convinced it would've been on TV too - if not the news, then it would've been on one of those blooper shows for sure.

We humans are strange creatures, we laugh at others' misfortune. We're not laughing because a female politician fell over, we're laughing because someone was caught off-guard and promptly face-planted onto the floor. Very rarely does it matter who the person happens to be.

Insolitus said...

Dear Mark, please check the above story about the peeing policewoman statue. Maybe my weak attempt at humour will become apparent then.

Unknown said...

I've dubbed this "the reverse Ford".

I'm really too young to get or make this joke... but... I like history and people falling over, so...