After becoming a man, Dominik found it hard to find a partner for years, but two years ago he met Andrea Kajzarova, another transsexual who, before a sex change, was a man named Tomas Kajzar, a bodybuilder. "She had a man's genitals when we met, but she had a neutral name and looked rather like a woman," Dominik said, adding he knew about three similar couples in the Czech Republic.

"Dominik has such personal charm that I told myself after about four months: yes, this is the guy I want to spend my life with," said the tall and still powerfully-built Andrea. After meeting Andrea, Dominik decided to resume contacts with his former family, only to learn in awe that his son Radim was in the process of turning into a girl named Viktoria.
"I found a sexologist in May, she sent me to different checks, including genetics. My diagnosis was always 'transsexual'," said Radim, whose biological mother Dominik now insists on calling her son "Viki." "We saw each other in May when we celebrated our birthdays together. The guys there made quite a few passes at her, so she looks good," Dominik said.
Well, at least the kid will have a lot of support from people who know what it's like!
Somehow thats absolutely wicked. But hey, if they are happy, then everything is fine here.
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