On Tuesday, Volochkova posted nude photos on her blog addressed: "To those who like it hot!"

"Dear paparazzi, just for you! You're hunting for us, stars, trying to take pictures of our pants, and even better to catch us without them. As if we have something others do not. NU, look!"
Maldiviana tour operator Lyudmila Mostovaya said it was not clear yet what type of punishment could be given to Volochkova, who is still vacationing in the Islamic country. Tez Tour director Alexander Burtin suggested she would get off with a warning.
I couldn't find her blog, but I did find the photos.
I'm beginning to think that if you are stupid enough to visit an oppressive theocracy like Maldives or Dubai without knowing anything about the place beforehand, you'll deserve the trouble you'll get into.
I mean, you should at least have the foresight to check out what Wikipedia says about your intended travel destination before buying the tickets. Main religion: Islam? Do they enforce Sharia? They do?! Don't go there! And for the love of god, if you really, really just need to go there, don't prance around naked!
Had she been local, I doubt they would be considering giving her just a warning.
Her blog:
She should be sentenced to live with me
Thanks for the link Upofix!
If she'd just waited to post the pictures until after she'd gone home, she'd probably be in less trouble. Unless the Maldivians hunt you down to mete out "justice"...
SHe might have planned thisout. If she have done it somewhere else, may no one would have written about it.
I'm from Maldives ...
I dont think anything is going to happen ...
Maldives is very careful about treating tourists ... Especially high profile ones ...
She did it in a "hideaway" resort ...
Most resorts are not accessible to general public ...
Relax ... its going to be OK :)
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