When Wilcox's wife heard him scream, she drove to the pasture and saw the cow attacking him. The cow, which had already been shot at least once by Wilcox with a .22 caliber pistol, wasn't going down without a fight.

To get it off her husband, Wilcox's wife began ramming it repeatedly with her truck. When that didn't work, she opened fire with the pistol that Wilcox had dropped in the encounter. The crossbred cow, which sported 12 to 18-inch horns, was shot several times in the face. It was finally contained in the pasture.
"(Wilcox’s wife) stated that the cow has always been nasty and had attacked her about a week ago causing bruises," according to a police report. Wilcox was flown to a nearby hospital where he was listed in a critical condition.
If one was too shoot an animal as large as a cow, it should definitely be with a gun bigger than a .22. Poor cow =(
Yeah. Might as well have used a BB gun. I concur: Poor cow.
Mad cow?
Fat cow?!?
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