Arvada Police are defending the way they handled the arrest of an 11-year-old boy. The Arvada boy was arrested and hauled away in handcuffs from his home for drawing stick figures in school -
something his therapist told him to do. His parents say they understand what he did was inappropriate, but are outraged by the way Arvada Police handled the case. The parents did not want their real names used. They say "Tim" is being treated for Attention Deficit Disorder and his therapist told him to draw pictures when he got upset, rather than disrupt the class. So that’s what he did.
Last October, he drew stick figures of himself with a gun, pointed at four other stick figures with the words "teachers must die." The boy drew the pictures to let out angry emotions. "Tim," his parents, and his therapist say it was not a threat and that Tim would never hurt anyone. He felt calmer and was throwing the picture away when the teacher saw it and sent him to the principal's office.
My hometown finally makes it on Arbroath!
...albeit for something ridiculous
Since when is an eleven-year-old child arrested, handcuffed, taken not to a juvenile facility, but jail, then booked as an adult? This is outrageous!
For movie producers to get away with sick films like "Saw" and not get in trouble with thinking thinking things up like this to a child's drawing confuses me deeply.
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