Kalli, 25, got the idea for the unusual venue from parents Madalene and Davy. Their reception was at a McDonalds in 1989. Mum-of-two Kalli said it had been a joint decision to hold yesterdays do at the Bristol restaurant.
She said: Because my mum and dad had their reception at McDonalds we decided we would do the same. Its been a great day. The newlyweds girl Amelia, three, and Lana, six, Kallis daughter from a previous relationship, were flower girls at the register office service.
YouTube link.
Unemployed Gareth, 33, said: We arent that keen on McDonalds but we thought everyone would like KFC. I think all the guests took it in the right spirit, as a bit of fun. Madalene, 42, who feasted on Egg McMuffins when she wed, said: People still talk about our wedding 22 years later. I hope it will be the same for Gareth and Kalli. KFC branch manager Jerry Carino said it was a first for the restaurant.
There's video from the reception here.
The cycle of poverty and unwed mothers just repeated in this family, didn't it?
If your venue of choice for your wedding reception is a fast-food joint, I think that's probably a pretty big indicator that you're not mature enough to get married.
You could also, you know, wait until your husband has a job so you can afford more than greasy fried chicken for your guests.
Hmm. But wouldn't it be fun If Bill Windsor/whatever the name is and Kate M. did the same?
So much less fuss. :)
The wedding reception there was pretty uncommon and frugal, but it was awesome. Your mileage may vary, though.
When me and my husband got married a few years ago in Bay Area, we planned for something simple, yet very memorable. We did the whole wedding reception outdoors to make it lively. Luckily, it was a sunny day. It became successful with the help of the tent rentals that gave shade to the us while we celebrated.
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