Any metal swallowed accidentally by his herd will stick to the device, helping to prevent the heart and lungs from being punctured. "Everybody has odd bits of metal lying around," Mr Partridge said. "Barbed-wire staples come out of stakes and when a cow's grazing, it's not fussy what it eats."

The growing popularity of Chinese sky lanterns set off at weddings, parties and barbecues has resulted in more problems for farmers because of the wire used on the lanterns' frames. In a written response to South West MEP Julie Girling about the dangers from the lanterns, the EU Health Commissioner John Dalli said magnets were a useful preventative measure as any metal objects or foreign bodies left on farmland could harm or kill livestock.
Cattle vet Andrew Biggs said the stomach magnets were safe and would attract any metal that had been eaten. "They do swallow it quite well and the weight generally keeps it in the stomach," he said. "Cows are ruminants and they do regurgitate their food and chew the cud, so occasionally some will be spat out." The National Farmers' Union would prefer to see a ban on Chinese lanterns, claiming they not only pose a danger to livestock, but could damage crops, trees and farm buildings if they land while still alight.
Why is this news? Cow magnets have been around for decades. I used to have one (unused) when I was a little kid in Iowa.
They have been using them here in Canada for many years as well....
I've seen them taken out of cows after death and seen them encrusted with bits of wire and nails.
To point out the obvious mistake in the article, a cow magnet doesn't attract any metal eaten, only that which is magnetic, usually iron. Copper wire won't stick.
Yup, in the mid-US this has been done for quite a bit longer than my lifetime. You can see ads for cow magnets in the early-1900s Sears catalogs....
Are Chinese lanterns anything like what we in the US call Roman candles?
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