Lei Yadi Min, residing in the South Okkalarpa township in Yangon with her mother and sister, has seven toes on each foot and six fingers on each hand - a total of 26 in all.

The child is now awaiting official recognition of her feat (and hands) by world record authority Guinness in its 2012 Book of Records. Guinness currently recognises the record holders in this particular field as Pranamya Menaria and Devendra Harne.
The two Indian children, aged five and 15 respectively, have both developed 12 fingers and 13 toes - 25 in all - as a result of polydactyly. This condition is a congenital anomaly that occurs in one in every 500 live births, and the extra digits are usually non-functional.
Congenital? Or caused by toxins?
Congenital. It's a fairly minor glitch in the way the hands and feet are built in fetal development.
It was hard enough counting in Base16 in my programing classes:
Math in Base26 would be a nightmare!
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