After regaining the use of his leg, Mr Francois walked the Camino de Santiago de Compostela, the pilgrim’s route spanning France and Spain, and known in English as The Way of St James. Mr Francois, from La Salle-et-Chapelle-Aubry, western France, said he felt a warm glow spread down his herniated leg during a visit to Lourdes in 2002.

He had been praying at the grotto where local schoolgirl Bernadette Soubirous was said to have had visions of the Virgin Mary in 1858, and all of his suffering suddenly disappeared. Mr Francois reported what happened to the International Medical Committee of Lourdes (CMIL) and 20 doctors have now concluded that it was indeed ‘remarkable’.
Archbishop Emmanuel Delmas, Bishop of Angers, said: ‘This healing can be considered a personal gift from God to man, as an event of grace, as a sign of Christ the Saviour.’ Archbishop Delmas said Mr Francois’s case would now be examined further before it officially goes down as the 68th miracle. He said that because of advances in medical science it was becoming increasingly difficult to officially class a remarkable healing as a miracle.
I would call this the 68th official slap in the face of the thousands who have done the pilgrimage and not gotten a miraculous cure. And to those millions who have desperately, and in vain, prayed for a similar miracle without being able to travel to that special place. A peculiar god they've got, those Catholics.
Anyway, isn't saying what they say about medical advances pretty much admitting at least some of the previous miracles may have not been miracles at all?
He felt a warm glow spread down his herniated leg during a visit to Lourdes.. is he sure he didn't just wet himself with all the excitement at being brainwashed?
A peculiar God indeed. We should hate this man and call him brainwashed because we don't believe what he does.
After all, the only way to show our obvious superior intellect and tolerance over a religious person is to mock them and their beliefs.
Placebo. The mind is a powerful thing.
His leg was herniated... okay. Now, if someone can walk away from Lourdes with a healed severed nerve (or something like that), then I'd really be impressed.
Brian, I can't speak for Ratz, but I don't hate the man and my mockery was directed at the absurd beliefs and the wicked institution.
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