Staff at all three Butlin resorts in Bognor Regis, Minehead and Skegness are instructed to ban anyone found guilty of bumping into each other in the electric cars equipped with huge bumpers.

Bemused customers who assume that the ‘no bumping sign’ is in jest are told to drive around slowly in circles rather than crash into anyone else for fear of an injury that could result in the resort being sued.
Michaal Deacon, who has just returned from a holiday at the Bognor Regis resort, said the experience was like “trundling round an exitless roundabout.” “I’m not convinced that the dangers were great, given that the bumper cars were equipped with bumpers,” he said. Butlins confirmed that people are not allowed to bump the bumper cars for “health and safety reasons”.
It's a wonder that any of us survived. I had no idea how many dangers were lurking about just ready to maim all of us for life.
You can never be too careful.
I remember visiting a Finnish amusement park in the mid 90's and they had the exact same rules. Took all the fun out of the thing. I was a kid back then and totally confused. I had a bike back home if I wanted to ride slowly and safely in a small circle.
Last time I went on bumper cars, I got whiplash. The time before that, I got my elbow banged pretty hard. I had an absolute blast both times - they weren't avoidable injuries, they were battle wounds!
Make people sign waivers before going on the ride. Then at least those who wanted to take the "risk" could still have fun.
But L, then only those who signed the paper could ride. Or more likely those whose parents or guardians were willing to sign, since kids couldn't sign it on their own. Ride attendance would plummet and soon it would be bye bye bumper cars altogether. Not that this is that much better.
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