"I had heard that animals, especially dogs, can detect when humans are ill and it started to bother me because I have lost a number of good friends to prostate cancer. Despite not having any symptoms and being fit as a fiddle, Whisky's bizarre behaviour prompted me to go to the doctor's to get things checked out and the cancer was discovered." Mr Gardham is now recovering from surgery at Castle Hill Hospital in Cottingham to remove his prostate, which was infected with an aggressive form of cancer.

And the amazing thing is that since he returned home, Whisky has completely ignored him. Whisky came into the lives of Mr Gardham and his family, including wife Val and sons Martin and Timothy, unexpectedly as a stray 11 years ago. Mr Gardham said: "We are obviously animal lovers and welcomed him into our home, but it is a standing joke about how vicious he is and some people are terrified of him. His behaviour to me changed in October last year when he started coming through the bedroom window and nestling under my chin while I was in bed.
"He would also gently stroke my nose with his paw while I sat in a chair, at the same time making a strange, eerie noise which I have never heard from a cat before. I firmly believe he had detected the cancer in my body and was trying to tell me something was wrong, and thankfully I heeded the warning." He added: "None of the doctors and nurses laughed when I told them about the cat, and I am very grateful to them all. They say cats have nine lives and Whisky has given one of them to me. It is very fortuitous he came to the farm."
Chances are if a cat nuzzled up to me I'd think I just had a way with cats, not cancer.
Me too, I'd be so damn pleased with myself...
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