The mother of six, who does not want to be identified, said that her 24 grandchildren would have expected her to be strong and not let the criminals have their own way. She said she had also been inspired by the memory of her dead brother. "They were not expecting me to fight back," she said. "I am a very strong person because of what I have gone through in my life. As they attacked me, I heard my grandchildren saying to me in my head 'Nan, get up and fight them'.

"When I headbutted the robber I think I broke his nose, it was that strong. Once they saw me attack him his mates scarpered and so did he." The attack happened at around 7.30pm on March 25 in the Whiddon Valley area of the town as the grandmother returned home from the fish and chip shop. The three young attackers appeared from woodland next to the path on Westacott Road and tried to steal her handbag until she started fighting back.
The fight did not go all her way, as she was tipped from her scooter and kicked, needing hospital treatment for face and stomach injuries which exacerbated a previous medical condition. Her scooter was damaged beyond repair and she spent all her savings on a new one. She said she had been left afraid to go to the street where she was attacked after dark.
....she's not even 50 and she has that many grandkids???
Welcome to England!
Barbwire: That was the premise of the (terrible) film idiocracy. The only good part is here:
Article about a disabled lady fighting off attackers and all you guys can focus on is the number of grandkids she has?
Where in the law does it state that having so many children and G'children is a crime??! How about some of u checking to see if any of your own kids or your kids friends, or any of your relative's kids were the ones that attacked, kicked and tried to rob this disabled lady?!! You should be angry abt the young kids doing such an awful thing instead of criminalizing this woman for having a lot of children. I think she deserves an award for bravery against u ignorant, immature thugs! One dy they will have to face old age and maybe disability themselves...hope they look back into their past and then feel very ashamed of what they have done.
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