"We have to have someone who translates everything into English, and then anything our English boss says has to be translated into French. This makes dialogue extremely slow, if not impossible." Mr Juvin said three walkouts had been held on most days since English-speaking bosses began managing them earlier this year. "Our former director left in January and his replacement is an acting director abroad," said Mr Juvin. "He is English and does not speak any French. So we cannot communicate with him."

Mr Juvin said staff at Saint-Marcellin-en-Forez, most of whom belong to France's CGT trade union, had previously not gone on strike for more than two decades. "We haven't withdrawn our labour for twenty three years," said Mr Juvin. "Maybe this is because we could speak to our bosses." Pierrick Dumont, CGT representative to the factory, said: "I don't think it's up to us to make the effort to speak English. We're French workers based in France."
Diane Gaillot, CEO of Thermal Ceramics in France, said: "The problem is that the former director had a unique opportunity to go abroad and we have not had time to recruit a new director." She added that the situation was temporary and they were currently looking for another director who will speak French. France has a notoriously nationalistic workforce, with staff frequently complaining about the growing anglicisation of working practices within the global economy. This encompasses everything from English being used as the exclusive language of business to reduced lunch breaks.
What is it with French-speaking people? They get their knickers in a knot over language here in Canada, too.
It won't hurt to learn English. Like it or not, it's used in most of the world (at least for business).
How would you like it if your boss only spoke French?
PS: I'm not French.
It is impractical to hire English-only management when clearly in a French speaking country. Same goes for hiring English management in Quebec. It goes a long way if the management can communicate with the employees! Perhaps English speaking people cannot learn a new language?
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