The draft legislation is the first time MPs in Tehran have outlined specific punishments for "the walking and keeping" of "impure and dangerous animals", which many believe directly targets Iran's canine population. If the bill were passed, the illegal animal would be confiscated and the owner fined up to £300, but the bill does not clarify what fate would await the seized animals.

Islamic tradition considers dogs, like pigs, to be "unclean" animals. Despite this, keeping dogs as pets has become an increasingly popular pastime among the Iranian middle class in recent years – a trend which the new bill describes as "a cultural problem, a blind imitation of the vulgar culture of the West".
There is no official estimate of Iran's canine population, but Iranian vets estimate that thousands of dogs are kept as pets in Tehran alone. The proposed bill builds on another motion tabled last week, which plans to ban dogs from public places and private flats. Current laws already forbid dog owners from allowing their pets to ride with them in their cars, and from walking their dogs in public places, but these are rarely enforced.
Full story here.
This is the best reason to bomb them all to smithereens that I have ever heard. I mean I believe in live and let live, but there is a limit and this I feel is it. Bomb the retards, get the dogs out first though. And the people who like dogs. Oh yeah, save the cats and bunnies too.
L, I remember seeing photos of a Muslim blind girl who had a seeing-eye pony because dogs are unclean. Personally, I think dogs are one of, if not the most, marvelous of all creatures, including humans.
This is truly a travesty. That fact that the government must resort to such extreme measures to try and control the attitudes of their citizens. Many have speculated that this is a reaction to younger Iranians adopting westernized attitudes (including dog ownership) and this is retalitory. I actually just wrote a pretty extensive article about this on my blog...check it out all! This is truly a travesty. That fact that the government must resort to such extreme measures to try and control the attitudes of their citizens. Many have speculated that this is a reaction to younger Iranians adopting westernized attitudes (including dog ownership) and this is retalitory. I actually just wrote a pretty extensive article about this on my blog...check it out all!
Great blog by the way!
Quote:"Islamic tradition considers dogs, like pigs, to be "unclean" animals. Despite this, keeping dogs as pets has become an increasingly popular pastime among the Iranian middle class in recent years – a trend which the new bill describes as "a cultural problem, a blind imitation of the vulgar culture of the West": Unquote.
I thought Islamic tradition saw their women and wives as unclean, as they are often treated so badly. To me this is 'THEIR' cultural problem... a blind imitation of their own vulgar culture and traditions....
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