Slight differences in their placement included people recognition. Gua recognized people from their clothes and their smell while Donald recognized them by their faces.
The parting difference came with language. Donald was about 16 months and Gua was a little over a year old when they had language testing. Gua could not speak, but Donald could form words.
YouTube link.
When Donald began to copy Gua's sounds the experiment ended. On March 28, 1932, nine months into it the Kelloggs officially ended the experiment. Gua was returned to the primate center with Dr. Robert Mearns Yerkes in Florida.
There's a longer video here.
Then how did we Evolve?????
We didn't evolve from chimpanzees. We most likely shared a common ancestor and then took different evolutionary paths.
There's no "most likely" about it. We did share a common ancestor just a few million years ago. Both chimp species are our closest living non-human relatives.
It makes complete sense that the chimp would have swifter development as an infant. They're born more developed. Humans are essentially born premature, to make up for the mother's small pelvis. Chimps also have drasticly shorter childhoods and don't need to learn language or our complex social behaviors and cultures. Most other animals develop so quickly that our childhoods go by at a comparative snail's pace. From birth to adolescence takes us approximately 13 years. That's considerably longer than most animals even live.
There's nothing even slightly surprising about this very old (especially in terms of science) finding, but studies like these helped develop our modern views of our fellow animals.
I just feel sad for the chimp. I'm sure he didn't understand why he was expelled from the only family he had ever known.
I feel so sorry for the child,his parents used him for an experiment, especially when the Father shot the pistol off it scared him and put the Child in a chair and turned it atound to see how the Child did and the Chimp. It is child abuse! I hope this child made it, he would be about 82years old
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