Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Sri Sathya Sai Baba in 'critical' condition

Indian charlatan with a penchant for teenage boys guru, Sathya Sai Baba, is in a critical condition, doctors say.

I could tell you some stories about Sai Baba, but I've always been taught if you can't say something good about someone, then don't say anything. So I won't.

YouTube link.

This website makes for interesting reading, mind.

1 comment:

melissa said...

Jeeze I really can't stand this guy. Once a friend and I rented a house through an agency for a month long vacation and when we opened the door his face was everywhere! There were posters, large pictures of just his face and even little stickers of his face stuck on glasses, etc. It was very disturbing! The owners were die hard Sai Baba followers and apparently wanted to convert anyone who rented their home...they even left out books and tapes!