‘‘The RTA has a responsibility to investigate complaints about personalised plate content, but we recognise that in doing this we must take a common sense approach,’’ a spokeswoman said. ‘‘We recognise in this case a common sense approach was not adopted and Ms Perry will retain the content of her plates.’’ The nickname is a term of endearment which Mrs Perry said had cemented links with her Greek heritage and first adorned her cars more than five years ago following a loving gift from her husband.
‘‘I rang my father last night and said: ‘Do you know you have been calling me vagina all my life?’,’’ she said. ‘‘He just said ‘What?’ He was appalled.’’ Mrs Perry was left flabbergasted after being sent a ‘‘please explain’’, the RTA threatening to confiscate the number plate if she did not ‘‘show cause’’ within a fortnight. An RTA spokeswoman said one person had complained that the plates were insulting to the Filipino language so Mrs Perry and another motorist, who also had ‘‘Kiki’’ featured, were issued notices.
YouTube link.
‘‘I have always been called Kiki by my family, many of my friends call me that,’’ Mrs Perry said. ‘I think it is just so funny.’’ Mrs Perry said Kiki was a shortening of her name in the Greek language and the number plates were given to her by her husband, Steven, five years ago – first on a Mini before she upgraded to a Porsche.
How can a language be insulted?
She lives in Australia. How can her license plate insult some unknown person in the Philippines? Our world just gets more absurd by the day.
Pippa Funnel, the horse rider was called Philipa throughout the Athens Olympics for the same reason
Give me a break. Just because people with dirty minds assign some significance to a combination of letters doesn't mean everybody else should kowtow to their sensitivities!
Good lord... What about all those poor women named Frances who got saddled with the nickname Fanny before the word was dirtied up?
I'm from the Philippines. Yes, kiki means the female genitals. The term isn't vulgar in itself. It's just what we call 'it'. Like calling a hand a 'hand'. We have other words that are more vulgar for 'it'.
I don't see anything wrong with it since she doesn't live here. And even here, I think people will just smile but won't get offended.
By the way, there is an MP3 player from Japan, I think, that's called 'Titi'. That means the male sex organ in Tagalog. I want to have one :). It would be a great conversation piece. hahaha
It gets even worse, in South Australia, there is a town called Kiki (pronounced Kye Kye), put this into Google Maps - kiki, south australia, 5261, australia
The person who made the complaint is an idiot, confused of their location on the world map and with a dirty word for a name if you go through enough foreign languages.
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