Court records showed that the woman is seeking Dh45 million to be paid by her ex-husband in compensation for the damages he caused to her. The woman claimed that she married the accused in 2008 and separated some 15 months later. She said her husband did not sleep with her in the first four months of their marriage. "When he did for the first time, he treated me inhumanly and inappropriately," she told the court.

"I discovered later on that he suffered erectile dysfunction. He was exactly the opposite of what he claimed to me before we signed the marriage contract. I suffered mentally, emotionally and lost any hope to become a mother," she said. "Considering the conservative Arab values and the woman's situation in such a society, I remained silent and tried to adapt [by] praying to God that things would improve. He treated me roughly and refused to support me financially or provide me with a decent shelter. He made me resign from my work. Hence, I lost my only income. I had to borrow money from family and friends," she said.
According to records, the ex-husband who is a wealthy businessman divorced the woman after 15 months. The defendant retained her passport, alleged the claimant, and did not pay her any support after the divorce. "He was a sweet talker and after we got married, I discovered that he is a womanizer who married more than 12 times. Although he was a former public figure, but that didn't prevent him from allegedly manipulating decent girls and spend weeks of pleasure with them before ditching them. Following the divorce, he stripped me of all my jewellery which he gave to me as part of the dowry. I ended up being emotionally and psychologically and financially broke… I visited psychological clinics for treatment," the claimant said.
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