But now his favourite dish is off the menu after he nearly swallowed the masticated gum. “I think it’s disgusting,” said Jamie, who is a full-time carer. “I’d cut the pizza in half and given half to Callum and half to my other son Ollie. I was upstairs when Callum shouted up, ‘Mum, there’s something on my pizza.’

“I came downstairs and I couldn’t believe it when I saw it. It was a chewed up piece of gum. It’s disgraceful. Obviously the person making the pizza was munching away and it fell out of their mouth. I can’t believe they just left it there. Callum said he’ll never eat another pizza. Just the thought of it makes him ill.”
Jamie took the offending pizza into the shop for a refund and to demand an explanation but was told the complaint would be dealt with at head office. She has since received a letter of apology and a £10 Tesco voucher. A Tesco spokesman said they had written to the pizza makers and would respond again to Mrs Fowler once they were clear of the circumstances. ”We are sorry for this unpleasant find,” he said. “We are currently investigating with our supplier.”
Tesco sounds like a classy chain. Taken individually, stories like this one make me think "Ok, it's gross, but stuff happens." But there are so, so many of them involving Tesco. And their response to customers is always so blase.
Ahem... upon reading further about Tesco, I realise I probably shouldn't say anything negative about them *cough* lest I be sued for libel *cough* because they are a wonderful company who care deeply about the people of the UK. Really, really.
Mother-of-three Jamie Fowler, aged 30, said she already struggled for what to cook her 13-year-old son Callum...
If she'd actually cooked for him (instead of just warming up ready-made food), this wouldn't have happened. How hard is it to make your own pizza? Not very.
I once bit into an egg roll and when it tasted minty fresh, I looked at the filling and discovered half a breath mint. It probably fell out of the egg roll maker's mouth, but I got over it because egg rolls are delicious. Kid needs to man up and eat a pizza.
L: Well, in her defense, she has two other kids. So she's probably preparing one meal for them and herself, and another for Callum. And given that he has CF, she's probably busier than the average mother of 3...
@L said...the real point of this story is that chewed gum was already in the pizza. Somebody else would have found it, anyway.
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