She was jailed for six months for bigamy in 2004. In 2009 she was convicted again after it emerged she had still not divorced Paul and had “married” a fourth victim she met while working in a massage parlour. In that case a judge at Manchester Crown Court imposed a suspended sentence and Horne vowed to end her only legal marriage for good.

“I’m delighted to be free but I think it is about time I got a divorce,” she said then. But Paul, 33, says there had been no divorce and he had spent seven years trying to find her to serve divorce papers. “I try every couple of years,” he said. “I have had six or seven searches done and come up with nothing.
“Every time I try to start a new relationship and marriage comes up I say I can’t, and the relationship breaks down. I probably call her every name under the sun, but as long as she gives me a divorce I’ll wish her all the best because she’s going to damn well need it. I just want to make it final.”
"Every time I try to start a new relationship and marriage comes up I say I can’t, and the relationship breaks down."
Is it just me, or does that sound stupid and pathetic?
Is it not polyandry rather than bigamy? Or is bigamy only the legal term for it?
If she keeps getting married it's bigamy. Having various male partners for reproduction is polyandry.
I don't think you can call it polyandry if the only thing connecting the man with the woman and her new man are unsigned divorce papers. She's a serial marrier.
"Glamour model" - maybe I'm unclear as to what that phrase means in the UK, but I expected her to be, I don't know, attractive? If not glamorous? Hmmm.
There's a good explanation of 'glamour modelling' in the UK here ...
All you really need to be a glamour model are a set of boobs and willingness to almost show them to people for money. That's not enough to be a good glamour model, of course, but then some men have very low standards.
Wouldn't this technically be "polygamy"? She married four times... not just twice (as the word "bigamy" implies).
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