Imwalle, 41, claims he suffered pain, disfigurement, medical bills and lost wages after pricking his finger on a thorn from a bouquet of roses he purchased for his wife to celebrate their anniversary. Before he was able to hand the roses to his wife, a thorn pricked his right hand, underneath the joint of his index finger.

Imwalle's lawyer, Paul Thompson, released a statement describing what happened next: "Over the next 24 hours, Mr. Imwalle’s hand began to swell and the pain became so excruciating he could not use it. On presentation to the emergency room at Florida Hospital Altamonte, his hand was 3 times its normal size. He was transported to Florida Hospital Orlando for an infectious disease consult and was ultimately taken to surgery where his hand was lanced and a PICC line placed through which he would receive intravenous antibiotics over the next thirty (30) days.
Mr. Imwalle was unable to work for two months, had lost full use of his hand and has suffered significant scarring and disfigurement. His medical expenses exceeded $45,000.00 and he sustained a job-related economic loss of more than $5,500.00. Both Winn-Dixie and Passion Growers have denied liability for what doctors confirm was an infection caused by bacteria transmitted through the puncture wound caused by the thorn." The lawsuit is based on the premise that the injuries could have been avoided by better wrapping the thorns with a protective wrap, or simply removing the thorns as many florists do.
With news video.
Roses have thorns.
Hot coffee is hot.
Silica gel should not be eaten.
I learned this shit in grade school.
Get a life, people.
Roses have thorns,
Coffee is hot,
That dude is a tit,
Dry my tears with a mop.
here in amer-ca our florists often clip off the thorns for us
I truly wish that I could say I was surprised. It's always somebody else's fault.
This guy needs to listen to the words of the great sage, Brett Michaels: "Every rose has it's thorn..."
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