Bojangles’ worker Jaqueline Green said Gross came through the drive-through window of the Bessemer City Road store at around 8 p.m. on May 16. He was a passenger in a minivan driven by an unknown woman who had ordered a chicken leg dinner.

When they arrived at the pick-up window Green told them Bojangles’ had run out of chicken legs. She tried to substitute the legs for something else. But once the couple found out they were out of chicken legs, the man went berserk. Green said the man asked her twice, “You don’t have any f------ legs?”
When she replied no, the man said “Here’s a f------ leg for you,” and pulled his jeans down slowly and then his boxer shorts, fully exposing his private parts. “He did it gradually,” Green said. “It’s going to be forever engrained in my head.” Green called the manager to the window and explained what happened. Green and the manager were able to get licence plate number on the minivan and called police.
Isn't he the same bloke who is the shoe shoplifter?
"he did it slowly" AWAY?!
That's Gross.
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