Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Man mourns for mother's stolen ashes

A bizarre crime in Colorado has a homeless man reeling and searching for answers. He says thieves broke into his car and stole his most valuable possession: His mother’s ashes. “Her soul is in heaven, but her ashes are still very important,” Wesley Rodgers said.

It was supposed to be her final resting place, but now the bag with her ashes is gone. “I think they probably thought - ‘cause they were in a sack in the container - they probably thought they were drugs,” Rodgers said.

Rodgers said thieves also took a Canon video camera after breaking his car window with a rock. He’s filed a police report and is checking pawn shops for the camera, but he doesn’t expect to see the ashes again. “I hope some people say a prayer for me and my mother,” he said. “Her name was Norma Hanson Rodgers.”

Norma died in 2004. “My mother and I lived together the last 25 years,” he said. To lose her for the second time was heartbreaking, especially on Mother’s Day weekend. “Anyone who takes someone’s ashes, they’ll have to answer to someone someday,” he said.

With news video.

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