The incident was logged as criminal damage by police officers, who defended the use of the helicopter by claiming it was already in the area. But staff and customers accused the police of a “gross overreaction”. Manager Emma Arnold said she was “gobsmacked” when she saw the police helicopter. She said: “It was a gross overreaction. It was a complete accident when the young lad miskicked the ball and it hit the greenhouse. We always tell the lads to play away from the greenhouse and they were doing that.

“I couldn’t believe it when they sent two officers and the helicopter. Since when did a youngster accidentally kicking a ball into a greenhouse become criminal damage? It is ridiculous.” Pub customer Doug Coles, who lives in the village, said: “It was one of the silliest things I have ever seen. I asked one of the cops why the helicopter was there and he told me not to worry myself. How can this be a crime? The lad responsible was having a kickabout with kids who could only have been about 10 to 12 years old.
“They weren’t aiming at the greenhouse. It clipped his foot, looped over the fence and hit the greenhouse. He couldn’t do that if he tried. Accidents happen in life.” The owner of the greenhouse called police after the incident, at about 5.40pm on May 8. Police said one of the officers on the ground asked the helicopter crew to do a sweep of the area to help find the youngster responsible for the damage. The youth involved has apologised to the owner of the greenhouse and will pay for the damage.
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