Named Manukura by local iwi Rangitane o Wairarapa, the chick is not an albino but the rare progeny of kiwi that were transferred to Pukaha from Hauturu/Little Barrier Island last year. “As far as we know, this is the first all-white chick to be hatched in captivity,” said Pukaha Mount Bruce Board chairman, Bob Francis. “The kiwi population on Little Barrier Island has birds with white markings and some white kiwi, but this was still a big surprise.” No white kiwi were brought to Pukaha.
The chick is being hand-reared in Pukaha Mount Bruce’s new kiwi nursery, part of a recent $1.4 million upgrade of the nocturnal house. The white chick will then remain in captivity with other chicks at Pukaha for at least four to six months where, subject to its behaviour and welfare, it will be able to be viewed several times a week while being weighed. When it is old enough to protect itself, it could potentially be released into the sanctuary.
However, Department of Conservation (DOC) rangers, who manage the kiwi programme at Pukaha, will ensure the best interests of the bird remain a priority. “A white kiwi might really stand out making it more vulnerable,” said DOC area manager Chris Lester. We want to ensure that as many people as possible get a chance to see it, and that we keep it as safe as possible. We also recognise the need to take everything into account when deciding how best to keep Manukura safe.”
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