Local police said the man, wearing only underpants and a crown of thorns, had a stab wound to his right waist and several whip marks in an apparent reconstruction of Christ's death. A mirror was placed in front of Kim so he could see himself on the crucifix, while other items such as a hammer, a hand drill and a knife were found nearby.

"We found at the scene pieces of paper describing how to construct a cross and carry out a crucifixion," a police office said, adding it was unclear whether or not Kim wrote the memo himself. A forensic examination was under way to determine the cause of his death. Police said Kim's hands were pierced by a drill and he may have died of excessive blood loss.
Kim was described by neighbours as fascinated by Christianity. Police are trying to establish whether he killed himself either alone or with the help of others around Easter time from April 22-24. But they said they were not excluding the possibility of murder.
I'm no Sherlock Holmes but I would tend to think he at least had help. In theory you could nail one hand and your feet, but how would you nail your second hand?
I was just thinking the same thing, SteveC. If that feature of the crime has the police stumped, then I'm afraid they're a bit... well, slow.
'Apparent attempt to emulate'?
Seems successful to me.
Well, the abridged version here states that he used a drill to pierce his hands, and then had the "nails on the cross protruding through the holes in his hands and feet". So this implies he hammered the nails into the cross, drilled holes in his hands (and feet?), and then simply stuck them over the nails already hammered into the cross. This wouldn't take a second individual.
However I just have to wonder about the rest of it. Was the cross upright? If so, how did he get up on it, and then manage to position his wounded hands and feet as he did? Creepy...
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