Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Cyclist stopped by police for wearing 'distracting' outfit

A Dutch tourist in New York, Jasmijn Rijcken, says she was pulled over by a NYPD officer for flashing too much skin while on two wheels.

"He said it's very disturbing, and it's distracting the cars and it's dangerous," Rijcken said. "I thought he was joking around but he got angry and asked me for ID."

Rijcken, 31, was not given a ticket during the May 3 incident, and did not get the officer's name, but was left feeling baffled.

"I didn't even think for one second that my outfit could be harmful or disturbing," she said.


Gary Thurman said...

I don't think its harmful or disturbing as long as her skirt wont be flipping high when she drives the bike. Nice shoes though.

soubriquet said...

We poor europeans too often make the mistake of thinking the U.S. is a first-world, forward-thinking country.
(Okay, Americans, simmer down, I was joking)...

She's not, so far as I can see, offending public decency, nor is she likely to show more naked flesh than the average tennis-player.
I'd imagine New York has billboards full of lingerie and beach-wear ads?
Seems the most distracted person might be the cop, who was distressed by the sight of a woman's bare legs.

Anonymous said...

I'm an American (Red-blooded male), and I think she looks fine!

I hope she visits Holland Michigan!


Anonymous said...

as luck would have it the publicity of this story should help with her bike company (oh look she appears to have gotten a picture of her bike spread all over the net.)

Anonymous said...

I agree 100% with the officer in question. Looks like he couldn't fine her so he just warned her. I wish the police here in London would take the same approach. Such indecency would not be acceptable and in any other situation so why this one? And besides as per the officer it is dangerous and distracting.