Saturday, June 04, 2011

Firefighters rescue dog with paw stuck in bath plughole

A dog had to be rescued by firefighters after getting his paw stuck down a plughole. They had to dismantle a bath and cut howling Ozzy free after he got trapped while being showered at his home in Holyhead. Owner Bethan Roper was alerted by the eight-month-old miniature dog’s squeals of pain. The mum-of-two tried to free him put the bichon friese’s paw was stuck.

“I panicked. I tried to pull it out but his pad was embedded – I was scared I’d break his leg.” She called the fire service as daughter’s Alysia, seven, and Kasey, five, were getting increasingly distressed. “The girls were upset to see him in pain,” said Bethan. She added: “The firefighters were brilliant, dismantled the bath panels, unscrewed some pipes and pushed the plug out.”

But that wasn’t the end of Ozzy’s ordeal as the plughole was still stuck to his paw. “I called the vet and the fire crew offered to come along. They didn’t want to cut off the plughole as it might injure his paw. In the end the vet injected him with anti inflammatories and it just fell off.”

Ozzy made an almost instant recovery and was running around wagging his tail at their home in no time. Fire service senior operations manager, Gary Brandrick, said: “We would usually refer this type of incident to the RSPCA, but there were no officers in the vicinity. To prevent distress and possible injury for the dog, we therefore attended.”


Wag said...

Why not call a plumber? Oh wait, silly me, that's not free!

Anonymous said...

@Wag Actually, the same thing happened to my dog last year. We called a plumber first, but there was nothing he could because of the swelling around the dog's foot. He didn't want to harm my dog or cause further injury to its leg. The plumber suggested I call the fire department. The fire department couldn't get my dog out either. So, I had to call a doggy ambulance that basically yanked him out. $5000 dollars later, my dog is fine.