Thursday, June 23, 2011

Good dog

Mmmm, biscuits


Ratz said...

I'm going to eat your skull, the have these biscuits as dessert.

Anonymous said...

I guarantee this was orchestrated by a male and that he is a control freak, and if he actually has a partner, that partner will be passive and dominated. I have seen it so many times before, ...sit...dont move for 7 minutes and I will feed roll over...good girl, now stay while I go and chain up the dog. Arsehole.

Anonymous said...

See the dogs ears, scared.
See the dogs eyes. they show fear.
You can almost picture what this guys partner looks like, timid, downtrodden and meek.

WordyGrrl said...

William does have a point there. I've met too many "dog people" who seem to prefer dogs as pets simply because they enjoy the power play over the animal, having a critter who will OBEY them.

I feel sorry for this pooch. I do.

Brixter said...

I think people are overreacting here. And how do you know the owner is Male? Sexist.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Brixter. It's just a fun trick! The owner balances a biscuit on the dog's nose, and the dog has to wait a moment until the owner says OK. Then the dog tosses the biscuit off his noise and gets to eat his little snack! A very well-deserved snack too; what good self-restraint! Good dog! My dog could never show that kind of calm patience--I don't think even I could either =)

WordyGrrl said...

One biscuit would be a cute trick that a dog might enjoy performing.

Nine or 10 biscuits says "See how much I own this dog? It won't move a muscle or do anything unless I permit it to do so." That's dickish.

Further proof: the spiked collar. Dickish owners buy those accessories in an attempt to prove how "badasss" they are. Them, not their dogs.