Friday, June 10, 2011

Intruder carrying dead weasel-type creature accused of assault

An intruder carrying a dead marten allegedly punched a man in the face after the victim asked why he had the animal.

Police in Hoquiam, Washington, said a 33-year-old man broke into a home on Monday night holding a dead marten, an omnivorous mammal from the weasel family, by the tail.

According to police, the 41-year-old male victim asked the alleged assailant "Why are you carrying a weasel?". The man replied, "It's not a weasel, it's a marten", before allegedly punching him on the nose.

The assailant was found by police several streets away arguing with a woman, but refused to surrender at gunpoint until a dog unit was called in for back-up. The man was charged with felony assault and burglary, as well as reckless and unlicenced driving, and resisting arrest.

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