The guidance has been given on Justify, Account and Record memo cards, which are carried on patrol. The advice states: "The courts do not accept police officers are caused harassment, alarm or distress by words such as: f---, c---, b-----ks, w-----s."

It also informs officers that to place someone in handcuffs "for officer safety" is "not sufficient" and "we can handcuff anyone but we must be able to justify it". A spokesman for the Met was unable to confirm the exact date the guidance was issued, but said the cards had been in use "for several years".
He added: "The Metropolitan Police Service issues officers with a memo card providing useful guidance on the execution of their powers. In particular it reminds them that the courts do not accept that simply swearing at a police officer is grounds for an arrest and illustrates how the MPS has had to make settlements in the past when officers have arrested solely for this."
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