Friday, July 22, 2011

Dancing squid

YouTube link.


Anonymous said...

^ Agreed.

Anonymous said...

Very upsetting.

woogums said...

yiark! no way I would eat that...

Anonymous said...

From what I understand (from a few television travel shows I've seen) the squid is thankfully already dead at this point. The movement is just a muscle reaction to the sodium in the soy sauce. I've seen similar reactions with lemon juice.

But still - ICKY!

Julier said...

Looks like it's trying to get away if you ask me. No way would I eat that. And I love sushi and squid.

Anonymous said...

I agree, this is sick, sick, sick.

Anonymous said...

Stop hurting the animals !

Eve said...

It's dead. The salt in the sauce is causing its muscles to contract. You can see the same reaction with cut-off frog's legs. They dance and jump, and their toes curl despite being separate from the body. Trust me, live squid are MUCH more active.

The Rat King said...

@Eve - I've read about that as well, however I've also seen options from both sides; there are many dishes where the squid is presented quite alive in such a fashion.

Keep in mind that just because the bulbous 'head' is cut off doesn't mean it's dead; their sensory organs are all behind the eyes, the 'head' is just the viscera, so it is entirely possible for the critter to still be aware.

Also; a well-known biologist (PZ Myers) says it's actually an octopus.