The pythons, which may also include a 7m female nicknamed "Nigini", have been making such a romantic ruckus, sections of the roof have started breaking away. Two of the pythons have been caught by a snake catcher. However, the narrow sections of the roof where the rest of them are living has made them unreachable.

Hekili Outrigger Canoe Club coach Sue Lockwood said one of the large snakes startled a club member after it was seen poking out of the ceiling when she went to retrieve a canoe. Dave Walton from Cairns Snake Removals caught a 3.5m python and a 4.5m python at the clubhouse yesterday. They will be released into the wild.
It is the second time in two years snakes have caused a ruckus at the building, with Mr Walton nearly catching Nigini back in 2009 before she gave him the slithery slip. Mr Walton believed there were still four more pythons living in the roof, including the elusive female.
No way will I be willing to set foot in that building...ever...
I sure as hell would; I love snakes and Scrubbies are lovely pythons. I find it funny as hell that they're making a racket for sex; snakes are really quiet critters most of the time, but I suppose this just goes to show that the quiet ones are always the wildest in bed.
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