The mother of two, of East Street, Sittingbourne, said: "He was the first to bite in to it. "He took a mouthful and thought it was a bit of onion as you do sometimes get a tough bit. He picked it out and held it up and was like 'what's this?' It was absolutely disgusting. He was sick all night and the following day.

"It says on the box it's topped with spicy tomato sauce, creamy mozzarella and sliced pepperoni - it doesn't say anything about toenails. I'm baffled how it happened. I know that when you work in a factory you have to wear boots, you can't wear flip flops or open-toed shoes, so how it got in there is quite worrying. My sister made a joke about them making pizzas with their feet."
Miss Pengelly took it back to Asda's store in Mill Way, Sittingbourne, the following day. She added: "They said they were sending it off and it could take up to 40 days before I hear anything. They also refunded me the money for the pizza which was £1.17p." A spokesman supermarket giant said: "We're at a loss to understand how this could have happened, but take any customer complaint very seriously."
How 'bout a nice salad instead -- you fat disgusting sow.
I guess that is worse than when the girl at the ice cream parlor sneezed into the ice cream container.
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