Saturday, July 09, 2011

Woman beat husband with basket of knives

An estranged wife attacked her husband with a “basket of pocket knives” inside the home they formerly shared in Springfield, New Jersey.

Kathleen Patricia Shearn, 52, is charged with aggravated assault, simple assault and criminal mischief. Police said she was not allowed at the home as a bail condition on charges she assaulted her husband with a fork in May.

Police said that Eric Shearn said his wife and he were arguing in the house when she began destroying things inside the home. Shearn told officers his wife no longer lives in the house. Shearn told officers his wife hit him in the head with a basket of pocket knives. She then got in her car and drove it onto the lawn, tearing up the turf, and then left.

That’s when Shearn called police. But his wife returned before troopers got there, broke an end table on his head and left again. Police said they found the home in disarray and Shearn had cuts and a lump on his head. After an arraignment before District Judge Kay Dubree, Shearn was sent to county prison and released.

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