“If somebody left their child locked in a boot, how many more people would be outraged?” asked PLA spokeswoman Miranda Jordan. “If a person bleeds, an animal bleeds in the same way. If a person starves, an animal starves in the same way. The same feeling is there.” Defence lawyer Bongani Dlodlo argued that Rusbridge was institutionalised – “not by choice” – in Norway. “She couldn’t leave for six months,” he said.

“She was evaluated by a psychiatrist in Norway and again by one in the UK – both submissions confirmed that she is a paranoid schizophrenic.” The State, however, has rejected both submissions, and the case was postponed until a date could be established for Rusbridge to be evaluated at Sterkfontein Psychiatric Hospital.
The PLA is demanding tough action, concerned about the leniency with which animal abuse is treated by the justice system. They want Rusbridge to serve time. “She needs to be an example so that people won’t do this anymore,” explained Elaine Friedland. “The fact that she was let out on a warning and not even made to pay bail shows the leniency towards animal cruelty,” she said.
She can't help it if she's born with a mental defect.
Stop making excuses for people like this.
She knew what she was doing in the first place.
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