No one can explain why the birds have been showing up, at the same time every day this summer. What they do know is they are loud.

"It's very hard to sleep at night because of the noise. It's very hard," said one resident.
The worst part of this whole thing? Faeces. "I came out Sunday and scrubbed the sidewalks here so people could get in and out to go to church without bringing it in their vehicles," said resident Faye Ramey. "It's a mess."
With news video.
Gods creatures. Moves in mysterious ways. There for a reason. Same as all the babies starving in Africa. God knows best. Deal with it.
Do you mean that invented sky fairy that people believe in ,because they are too stupid to think for themselves?
Fred, how's about a little respect for other people's religion and beliefs please.
I believe in God, and am more than capable of thinking for myself. Also, having a First Class honours degree with distinction from a well-respected university, I don't believe I fall into the category of being "stupid".
We don't go around offending non-believers, so please afford us the same courtesy.
Quite frankly, I'm getting a little pissed off with the (ironically) holier-than-thou attitude of atheists around here.
Granted, Fred went for the blunt instrument because he apparently missed the subtler tool WilliamRocket was using, but why on earth should they (or we) "respect" other people's religious beliefs? By respecting, Mark, I interpret you mean refraining from criticising or mocking. That won't happen, and I think it really is stupid of you to suggest it. Should we "respect" other people's political beliefs as well? What about moral beliefs? And when it comes to supernatural beliefs, should we respect all of them or just the most mainstream religious ones? Respect those who believe in Jesus but not those who believe he appears on toast? Maybe you, with your fancy degree, could clarify the rules of respecting beliefs.
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