Saturday, August 27, 2011

Campaign warns drinkers against peeing away £40

A campaign to stop revellers peeing in the street has been launched in Edinburgh by police. The Don't P*ss It Up Against A Wall campaign reminds pub goers that they face a £40 if caught urinating outside in the city. Officers want to clampdown on the number of drinkers who have been urinating in the city's closes, stairwells and shop doorways.

The initiative has been set up in the Grassmarket. Posters and beermats have been printed with the campaign's slogan asking revellers not to urinate or face a £40 fine. The opening times of coin operated toilets in the area have been extended to 03:00 and the use of temporary urinals as a longer term solution is being looked into.

Insp Dianne Bruce, of Lothian and Borders Police, said "While those enjoying a night out in town might think urinating in the street is harmless, it is a real quality of life concern for local residents and businesses. This educational campaign has been developed after we listened to these very real concerns, and we will be accompanying it with increased police patrols and enforcement action throughout busy weekend periods.

"Edinburgh is a beautiful, safe and clean city, and this initiative is designed to ensure visitors and residents enjoy it at its full potential." Charles Dundas, whose council ward covers the city centre, said: "The Grassmarket community were quite rightly getting fed up with this type of anti-social behaviour so we all came together to try and come up with a solution. "We hope this educational campaign and the £40 fines will act as a deterrent."

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