Saturday, August 27, 2011

Council unhappy with giant chimp in a box overlooking cemetery

A giant image of a chimpanzee in a box which looms over Tring Road Cemetery in Aylesbury has been dubbed ‘insensitive’ and ‘offensive’.

The chimp in a cardboard carton is pictured on the side of storage company Store’N’Go’s base at The Wynne Jones Centre. Members of Aylesbury Town Council’s planning and licensing committee claim that the picture should be taken down as it can be seen from the nearby graveyard.

Because it is a monkey pictured in a box, they say, this could be associated with someone being buried in a coffin. At a planning and licensing committee meeting, the town council said the sign was ‘considered vulgar, insensitive and indeed offensive’.

This, it said, was as a result of the sign being ‘clearly seen from within the cemetery, where residents of the town are attending burials of a loved one’. It was also added that the town council was awaiting enforcement action on the signage.


  1. Anonymous9:16 pm

    It is not a monkey.
    Chimps are apes.

  2. I know a chimp isn't a monkey.

    That's why I put it in italics.

  3. AronRa, in one of his YouTube videos, explained this monkey business thoroughly and well, too bad I don't really remember anymore how it goes (and am too lazy to refresh my memory). In any case, according to him the up-to-date scientific view is that not only are we descended from monkeys, but also that in fact we are monkeys.
