Judge Durward was handed graphic pictures of the injury which showed teeth marks where one-third of her ear was bitten off. Crown prosecutor Andrew Lowrie told the court the offence was unprovoked and of "inexplicable, gratuitous brutality". The prosecutor said the defendant was in a relationship with the teen and living in a shared house with her for three months up until the incident.

On December 5, 2010, several friends and family went over for a drinking session which went until 11pm. "During the night (a female witness) heard the complainant scream out and crying very loudly," Mr Lowrie said. "The following morning, the complainant had her head covered with a blanket ... (the witness) later discovered there was blood on the mattress." The prosecutor said the man was asked about the girl's screams but said "she was screaming for nothing".
However Mr Lowrie said the witness "didn't believe anyone would cry like that for nothing" and later noticed a large bite out of the teen's ear. Police were called and the girl told them that he (the accused) had woken her up in an intoxicated state, accused her of looking at other people, then bitten off a piece of her ear which was later eaten by a dog at the house. Judge Stuart Durward SC said the man's record showed a contempt for women and the offence was very serious. The man, who had served 259 days in pre-sentence custody, was jailed for four years, suspended after serving 18 months.
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